
Which water is more safe? Mineral Water or Filtered boiled Water?

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Which water is more safe? Mineral Water or Filtered boiled Water?




  1. Filtered boiled water is more safe. but mineral water tastes better

  2. Mineral water, straight from the earth may contain microbes which should have been killed by boiling.

    The Muse

  3. It really depends.

    Some companies may filter their water before making it into mineral water.

    How long is the water boiled for and what kind of filter are you using. Most home filters only improve taste and odor and do not actually improve any health concerns at all.

    A high end filter is much better but most people are too cheap to buy proper equipment so companies like Brita and Pur stay in business.

    Look up what each company does before they bottle their mineral water and look up what each filter does or as in most cases do not do.

    I love eSpring water purification systsems. It is a filtration system with an activated carbon block and a UV light in it. The only thing that can get water cleaner is a distillery. But those are very expensive to buy and maintain and are very messy too.

  4. IMO - filtered boiled water is best.

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