
Which way Hillary supporters are leaning?

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Which way Hillary supporters are leaning?




  1. who cares

  2. They are going with Obama because she told them to.

  3. Some for Obama

    Some for McCain

    Some will vote straight ticket

    Some will not vote at all

  4. Most will go with Obama, but a chunk of them, probably 3-5 million will go with McCain.

  5. Obama.

    Do you actually believe that  true a Hilary supporter would fall for this trick?

    Anyone who supported Hilary would never vote for an anti-choice, anti women's rights candidate...even if that candidate is a woman.

  6. I am sure that they will vote Obama, Hilarys and Palin's views are completely opposite. He chose her to show that he to was for change as opposed to Obama who chose a long-time Washington insider that has nothing useful in his too-long life

  7. Virtually all will vote for Obama.  Most of those on the fence will fall back on the Obama side due to the republican vp choice.  That selection will also send some considerate republican leaning voters as well.

  8. I would say Hillary supporters that are true Democrats would have to be leaning towards Obama. They basically have the same ideas and views. Anyone who switched from Hillary to McCain isn't a true Democrat, it just doesn't make sense.

  9. I'll be going to Obama.

    Palin doesn't even stand for the same issues Hillary does.  

  10. Obama.

    Hillary followers are solidly pro choice. Solidly. It's the weirdest miscalculation I've ever seen from McCain, and that's saying something.

  11. McCalin.  I'm a Hillary voter for McCain, and this solidifies my vote for McCain

  12. After her speech, definitely Obama.

  13. I'm voting for John McCain, I can not support a Baby Killer, it's against my Catholic Religion.

  14. Hillary supporter voting for McCain.  Hillary never stated he was ready for the job.  I don't have a political career to worry about.  The Dem's can't tell me who to vote for.  Obama is too liberal, to inexperienced and has too many shady associates.   ***

  15. <<<< Hillary supporter not leaning.

    I'm voting for McCain/Palin come November.  

  16. Isn't it obvious?!? Obama!

  17. Flowery speeches will not sway me.  Since we have a new face on the scene I'm excited to learn more about Mrs. Pallin.  

  18. McCain ALL THE WAY!!!

  19. This Hillary supporter is voting for OBAMA !!!!!!!

  20. lets face the truth the ones that are not intimidated by an intelligent, attractive woman will vote McCain. The ones that didn't feel threatened by Hilary will stay Dem

  21. Hopefully they will make the right choice and vote for Obama!

  22. The ones that have a brain in their head will never vote for McCain after he just insulted their intelligence by picking a VP that is the complete opposite of Hillary in almost every way, with the exception of her anatomy!

  23. Hillary told them to vote for Obama, so I'm sure her sheep will do that.  After all, she is a really great "leader", isn't she?

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