
Which way do the clouds go round the earth??

by Guest64189  |  earlier

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do all clouds travel the way the wind is traveling. clockwise or anticlockwise




  1. Clouds will move whichever way the wind blows them (if at all).  The wind blows in every possible direction, everywhere on Earth.

    However, there are some general trends:

    In the northern hemisphere, winds blow clockwise around high pressure areas and counter-clockwise around low pressure areas.  In the southern hemisphere, winds blow counter-clockwise around high pressure areas and clockwise around low pressure areas.  These tend to create easterly winds in the polar regions and the tropics, and westerly winds in the mid-latitudes.

    There are regional variations depending on the geography of an area, such as certain relationships between water bodies and landmasses.  For example, monsoon winds from the south occur in south Asia and the southwest of North America.  South winds also develop north of the Gulf of Mexico.  There are many other examples of this around the world.  Each of these change the way clouds and weather patterns move.

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