
Which way does the water turn when it goes down your sink? Im in the UK and it spins to the left!?

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Which way does the water turn when it goes down your sink? Im in the UK and it spins to the left!?




  1. The direction the water takes when it goes down the drain is determined by the design of the sink and is not a factor of the Coriolis Force, which is too weak to determine what happens in your sink.

  2. The water in my sink goes down.

  3. You can actually change the direction it goes down the plughole by stirring it with your finger...

  4. It depends upon the design  and the horizontal position of the sink and has nothing to do with north or south hemsphere.Coriolis force does not bother about the flow of water in a sink.

  5. If you can see the Earth from the space, it turn clockwise if you would be above the South pole. So the water in a southern lake is  already turning clockwise and if this lake have a 'drain' in the mid bottom, the water would turn faster in this same direction. In the northern hemisphere, the water would turn to the left (counterclockwise). But a small water body like your sink, maybe dont turn... Here the size counts!

  6. Surly you mean it goes in a clockwise direction

  7. I think where you are has no bearing on it.  It just depends where the water comes from with respect to the hole.

    So try the cold tap, then the hot (if you have split taps). One tap will go one way, and the other the opposite.

    This hemisphere thing is a myth.

  8. My weather and climate professor told me that when he was younger he went to Australia and was disappointed to find a certain well-known myth to be untrue.  After about ten minutes of my aimless guessing, he told me that water in a toilet, in either hemisphere, flows clockwise.  It has nothing to do with locality, it has to do with how toilets are made.

  9. Yes all the Northern hemisphere is the same.    In the  Southern half  it goes the other way...  All to do with the rotation of the Earth...

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