
Which way should it be???

by Guest67077  |  earlier

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alexis leah or leah alexis?

also considering

harmony claire




  1. Leah Alexis :)

    Leah is such a cute name x

  2. I prefer Harmony Claire.

    But Leah Alexis is not bad.

  3. Leah Alexis!

    Harmony is tacky. Claire is lovely though...

    what about Leah Claire or Alexis Claire or Claire Alexis?

  4. Alexis Claire...

  5. Definitely Alexis Leah and I don't like harmoney but Claire is very pretty!

  6. I think Leah Alexis flows better than the other way. Harmony Claire is also quite beatiful. You could do,

    Alexis Claire, which I think is cute =)

    Good Luck!

  7. I like Harmony Claire best.

  8. Leah Alexis....also you could consider spelling it Leigh

  9. leah alexis, i think that's a really nice name, it's really cute.

    Harmony claire is nice too, i like your style for choosing names, very unique!!  

  10. Well both ways are nice and Harmony Claire is a beautiful name.

    If you want a less common name go for Harmony.  The least common combination is Alexis Leah.  Leah is a very common first name at the moment!

  11. Leah Alexis

    I really like Harmony Claire also

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