
Which way would be easiest to take over Canada?

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1) Reason with them, saying all I have to offer for the country


2) Take over by military force




  1. I would say we slowly start to pretend to like their ideas and implement their health care and such and then just when they think we like them, we will realize they have a better system and more freedoms and let them take us over instead.

  2. Just send them all our democrats...

  3. War of 1812 READ UP ON IT  ...well beign Canada is a commn wealth country of Britain ...and the pact britain has with all its common wealth countries and all the countries in the common wealth that would join the USA would once again make a grave mistake as many country in the common wealth and UN would turn on the US .

  4. Sorry, you are too late...The chinese are taking over Canada.

    This is how they do it

    China has 1.2 Billion People

    Canada Has 35 million

    China is exporting there people to Canada and they are joining political parties and getting elected, They influence immigration laws and get more chinese let in

    These chinese get citicenship and vote for chinese polititions

    Once there are more chinese politions in Canada than other races, they will open the floodgates of immigration from China to Canada. Then they will have taken over the Government by Stealth, They will pass laws that make them a State of China...That's how you take over the Second largest country in the world

    Not Force, Not Reasoning, and as I are too late.

    An as you are American, How would you like 6 Million Chinese Neuclear Missels lining your Northern Border????

    It won't be Easy to get rid of like Cuba

  5. It can't be done.  There is no way to do it.

  6. reasoning is more decent and you would have more cooperation after the takeover from loyal canadians.

  7. it's probably important to beat us first on the ice

    it's hard, we know

  8. Canada? Never heard of it but it sounds like a waste of military power to take over.Eh?

  9. Got your arses kicked last time you tried!!

  10. Considering the direction in which the USA is going -

    it will be a matter of Canada taking over the USA - in due course.

  11. Just annex them and offer them discounts to Wal*Mart.

  12. I don't think anyone should ever do it, let them get on with it.

    But I would say 2) because they won't go down without a fight.

    Rightly too.

  13. First you would have to find us on a map.

  14. Close down the Tim Horton's chain, we'll go quietly.

  15. With the US on the other side of the puddle, there will never be an easy way to take over Canada.

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