
Which weapon whould you prefer in combat?

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a G-36, M-16, AK-47, or an M4 mine would be an AK-47 who would want a gun that jams and when you drop it it breaks the AK-47 is very reliable




  1. I'd take the g36 or an m14. The AK, while it is certainly reliable it isn't much else but cheap. The m14 would be efficient, because of the accuracy at long ranges and the powerful 7.62 nato round. The g36 is efficient because of the ar18 gas system.

  2. How about a good mind and a civilized world...

  3. It depends on the situation.  In close quarters, I'll take the G36 for compactness.  In an urban/desert environment I'll take the AK47 for stopping power and reliability.  In a forest environment I'll take the M4 for accuracy and rate of fire.  In an open environment, I'll take the M16 for long range accuracy.

  4. I prefer the plasma pistol. It's h**l on covenent armor and shielding.

  5. None of the above!

    Though, if i had to, the M-16

    What i like, though, was:

    A prototype flechette rifle, that the USA failed to adopt...the Steyr ACR

    Fired discarding sabot ammunition, with a very flat trajectory and excellent capacity to defeat bodyy armor

    oopss...didnt really answer the qustion, did i?

  6. I would prefer a book, and a sniper rifle.  The M-16 is c**p.  The AK is c**p at range.  I'd go for a riot shotgun and a FAL.

  7. AK-47 as you can't beat machine guns.

  8. Although it depnds on the type of combat I would say the M16 is a decently reliable weapon if kept clean, and incredibly accurate in the hands of a trained soldier.

  9. the M4  

  10. Answered the same every time the AK47 off that list but really the FAL overall.

  11. mark 8 mars pattern bolter.

  12. Of those choices, M-16. I don't really care what other people THINK an M-16 will do. I KNOW mine will work properly every time.

  13. Hand grenade. I was a Hospital Corpsman. It made a lot of noise, stopped people from trying to kill me while I was treating my patient and weighed a lot less than a rifle.  

  14. I suppose I will be alone. I would use the G-36c. It is an excellent weapon because it was developed by the best technological institute for weapons in this modern world (IT Tech). It is lightweight, fairly accurate, and good for a variety of environments and ranges of fire. The M-16 would be my second choice. It is not very reliable as it is more susceptible to jams than most other assault rifles and it fires in an arch instead of a straight line. However, the M-16 is still a good weapon because of its reduced recoil and reliability in different environments (as long as it is kept clean). The M4A1 would be my third choice, leaving the AK-47 as the worst of those four assault rifles. At least, in my opinion. G-36c!

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