
Which web site or forum can I go to meet business people?

by  |  earlier

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I love to know and meet business people discussing and exchange ideas. Where can I meet them online and make friends?




  1. I can't remember what it's called but there is a website that is like facebook for business. Good luck finding it with the info I just gave you though. Are you talking about small business or big business, I am in management in the public health system in Australia you can get me on facebook.

  2. Hello,

    Great post.  The most important part of business is advertising.  This makes or breaks a business.  Some of the best ways to advertise I've found are:

    1.  Offline promoting (business cards, flyers, newspaper and other print advertising).

    2.  Online promoting (buying banner ads, forum posts, email auto replies).

    The best method that's worked for me so far is handing out business cards.  I don't do this in the usual way.... I buy them in bulk from a place online (they give the cards for free, I just  paid shipping and handling...they also give a really nice free business card holder, it looks impressive).  They're really high quality.  I just put all of the info about my business on the cards, and I hand them out on cars at bus stations, malls, etc.  It's worked out really, really well for me, and it's completely inexpensive =)

    Good Luck with your business!

  3. Are you into export import trade, retail, financial services.. ?  Some info on your line of business needed.

  4. you can meet thousands of people waiting for you at

  5. If you are seeking a personals for friends go to Friend Finder.

    Need a business idea? NuSkyWay welcome you.

  6. You can try

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