
Which website is accurate 100% for predicting baby gender?

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Which website is accurate 100% for predicting baby gender?




  1. None.  The only thing that is 100% and sometimes not even that is a sonogram.

  2. None, no website can tell you.

    The only way to be 100% is to have it.

    Or if it's anything like my son, show his goods to the technician for half an hour.

  3. the ONLY way to predict baby gender - - - after conception of course---is through the sona-gram or ultra-sound tests administered by your doctors.... there is no gypsy, no website, no magic,  no string tied to a ring or needle held over the mom's belly,  NOTHING except medical science that can "predict" the gender of a baby...  Some people think that the size and position of a baby can predict the gender- - - NOT true... only science...

  4. NONE.

    it's all for fun...and they were all wrong for me.

  5. none...

    only 100% is when the baby comes OUT!

  6. none...until baby come out

  7. There is not such as thing as 100% accurate for predicting baby gender. get an ultrasound!!!

  8. well.....i used the chinese calendar i did it for fun but i noticed it was correct on all my pregnancies with my 3 kids...i also tested it on my friends babies aswell and it was correct...

  9. Predictions are never 100% accurate...hence the name "prediction".  

  10. None.  How can a website know which chromosomes you and your husband have?

    Gender is ONLY determined X and Y chromosomes.  

  11. There is no website that can tell you the s*x of your baby.  There are a bunch of online quizzes and old wives tales that are fun if nothing else, but not to be relied on.  

    The day you will find out the s*x of your baby for sure is the day your baby is born.  Even an ultrasound technician can be incorrect from time to time.

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