
Which website is helpful to learn how to play electric guitar?

by  |  earlier

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I just got a new electric guitar, this is the first time I ever touched one =/ .... and I have absolutely NO IDEA on how to get started, but I really want to learn how to play it.

Does anyone know any helpful website to begginers?




  1. I know this site called that has some pretty good lessons.  There's one of this kid that teaches how to play Crazy Train, and its legit!  Hmmm I've seen other vids on the site too, and they're beginner ones.  Maybe those will be more of use to you!  They're like 2 bucks per video, but I've really enjoyed them.    These videos came up when I searched "guitar" on the site:

  2. A me too i just got mines today

    ill keep my eye on this to see some answers

    Ok instead of waiting for answer to come to me *cough* i looked up my own answer here try this website

    p.s you also asked this question and wrong category if you wanted more answer you should ask somewhere else

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