
Which website is much better to sell things? Ebay or Craigslist??

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Which one do you think is much safer? ANd earning more money?




  1. well with ebay, more people are gonna view your item, but them you have to deal with clearing the check or pay pal. and then if the buyer dosent like it, they can return it then you have to put the item back on.

    if you use craigs list, than less people are gonna view it, but then the person can come and view the item before they pay for it. and people who things over craigs list usually will pay with cash.

    i suggest trying to sell it on craigslist and then if you dont get the offer you want or nobody scemes intrested, then put it on ebay

  2. You'll make more money on eBay, but it's much more work to put your things on.  Craigslist is easier to deal with and works well if you just want to get rid of things for a lower price.

  3. It depends on what you are trying to sell.

    C.L. is rather risky and not dependable.

    E-Bay is getting way too expensive that I no longer use it.

    C.L. would be better because they are free but like I said take a lot of precautions for your own safety when you are contacted by some one on there. A lot of people on C.L. are also "no shows" so be prepared for that.

    If you are selling things which you make-I would try "Etsy"- I have used that site in the past for my own

    store and it is a good site to use for that purpose.

  4. Personally I earn more money through ebay, but craigslist is at least for free.  Ebay and Paypal both take their share of the money earned through ebay.

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