
Which wedding dress do you like the best?

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Okay, so I'm on my boyfriend's laptop because I "accidentally" left mine at my house. Here's the deal, I'm not engaged BUT I'm hoping that by saving these dress pics as bookmarks, it will give him a hint. So tell me, which do you think is the best? Suggestions ?

(BTW: I'm really into Grecian/ Goddess and romantic type silhouettes and I really hate poofy Princess type dresses)









  1. I love #4.  

  2. I like number 3

  3. i like number1

  4. The first one is so beautiful!

  5. I LOVE the 1st dress! I think it goes best for what you are looking for. Good Luck! :)  

  6. all nice dresses, but it would depend on your bodybuild, its not just about geting the nice dress...but rather the dress that looks nice on you

    and if you want to take things further, why not just talk to him about such things, i mean i already did it and we know it will be at least a couple years before it can come into question to get engaged. Open comunication can be so important, and sometimes its even more fun to talk to eachother hypotethical about such topics, as it really can teach you a lot about eachother *s*

  7. My friend told me that every mention his wife made of weddings and such made him put his engagement off that much more.  When he finally did it, she was so upset that he hadn't when she thought he would she thought it was a joke.

    If your boyfriend is going to propose let him do it on his time, not yours.  Trust me, it will be better that way!

    The dresses are all gorgeous.  However you need to actually try it on and see what looks best on you.  I went in to every store saying I wanted a simple, no beads, no lace, no frills, no poof gown with a short train that absolutely had to have straps.  NO strapless.  And no corset back, either.  You should see the dress I ended up with.  As soon as I put it on I knew it was the one...and it was the exact opposite of what I wanted.

    (Yes, I do know.  Believe me, I was there too!  Most of us probably were...  I actually told everybody that my husband was going to propose on this weekend trip he had planned.  I just knew it.  It had been too obvious.  Turns out, he proposed the weekend before and had it all planned knowing I thought it would be the next weekend.  If it's going to happen, it'll happen.  Nothing you do will change it.  But it's fun to think about...)

  8. 4.

    good luck(:

  9. 1 is absolutely gorgeous! My favorite among those. My 2nd favorite is #5.  I think #2 is pretty - just too low cut!

      I agree with the other girls, i wouldn't have pics of dress or rings on his computer.  u may totally freak him out, since he would know u were looking @ dresses & not engaged yet.  some men r afraid of commitment.  I agree with the one girl about keeping an open mind when u go to try them on, and pick one that looks the best on u, not on the hanger or the model.  Back when I got married in 1996!, i went to a wedding where the girl had on one of those dresses where it was supposed to come down straight, then have a train in the back (remember those?), but with her figure (not very tall,and about a size 14 or 16), it just looked like she had forgotten to put crinoline on! ( we wore those for the princess poufy look :o)   She just couldn't carry off the long sleek look!  So definitely go with what looks good on you!

  10. I like dress # 4

  11. I Really Like Number 3. It's So Pretty.

    But I Really Like The Top Half Of Number 2.


  12. I like #2 and 3. You are sneaky, sneaky...I like it!  

  13. I really like the 1st one the best!!

  14. I love #3, the back is so unique!

  15. 1

  16. 1

  17. The first one is gorgeous. That would be my first choice, then the second one. The other ones are too simple. They dont stand out as much.

  18. 2 and 5 hope he gets the hint x

  19. Carol's idea is simply genious!

    I have been in love with Maggie Sottero's Ireland forever! Alas, it doesn't suit my body style.

    from the one's you picked, I just LOVE #4...

    It's lovely, classy, elegant, beautiful..

    Good luck, but go with Carol's idea, definitely!

  20. 1 n #2

  21. I absolutly loveeeee number 4!

    It's so classy and elegant, I would choose that one for me :)

    (all of them are beautiful though!)

  22. I like #1 the best.  

    #2 next.

    Good luck sweetie.  I like your sense of humor.  

    You'll catch him!  :D

  23. I like number 1 and number 4

  24. 4 is AMAZING !!!!!!

  25. i love number 4! but are you sure you want to get married because you want to spend the rest of your life with him and not cuz you want a fancy wedding?

  26. Dear, these all look like your asking him to take you to a costume party, and you want to be a Greek Goddess!

    Go find a old picture of a bride, circa 1955, get one with the veil and high heels and pouffy dress and the huge bouquet. It has to say Bride, not wannabe Goddess.

    If you can, find one with a pouffy bride and her Dad standing next to her with a shotgun.

    Remember, you have to hit men over the head with a club to get them to understand, don't be subtle.  

  27. No. 1 is the most grecian.  I love it.  Hint to you..he's not supposed to see the dress before the wedding to don't bookmark these sites.  Instead look for engagement rings you like and bookmark THOSE pages. :)

    Good luck!!  Keep us posted.

  28. Five is actually really cool.

    Just another for you to consider -

    BTW, talk to him, instead of being underhanded.

  29. 2, 4, and 5 are definitely all winners.

  30. the first one by far is the best one!  very beautiful!!!!

  31. I definitely like the 2nd one the best. I think that it is very elegant and classic. The 4th one is beautiful as well.

    That's cute that you want to drop a hint to your boyfriend - but just bookmark one or two of them...sometimes guys freak out a little about marriage. Don't worry though - it will happen for you soon and you will be trying on dresses before you know it.  

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