
Which weedkiller kills everything forever?

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Which weedkiller kills everything forever?




  1. Hi!

    Soz, dunno, but I'm very interested to see what people come up with, coz I've got loadsa the blighters to get rid of!!

  2. Elbow grease, and it has to be reapplied often.

  3. Nuclear explosion

  4. herbicide (weedkiller) normally can't last long. It is really up to the chemical nature of thatparticular herbicide.

    Salts can be easily diluted by rainfall and irrigation. Plant hormones (like 2,4-D) has a short harf-life.  

  5. deisel oil, illegal though

  6. ain't no such thing.... no matter what you pour, spray or do to an area of land, Mother Nature will find a way, find a plant that will be able to live there once you turn your back..... and when that plant takes hold, you'll be chasing it constantly.... don't do something you'll regret later, ok?.... just clear out the weeds as they show up and be happy that you are able to do so.... and be happy that your soil is good enuff to grow something.... otherwise, it's caked mud, ugly and a real mess if it rains..... why not try growing something on purpose that will keep the ground covered nicely and choke out the weeds eventually....???... much nicer to the Earth....if there's a terrible patch, cover it over with a sheet of plywood and put mulch on top  or lay out roofing shingles to cover and then mulch over that.... keep the weeds from getting sunlight and you've won half the battle..... and without poisons!!!>...

  7. Ho ho ho. I'd recommend Cillit Bang.

    I used it to clean my garden chairs and got it all over the lawn. That was 3 months ago and my lawn is still dead!

  8. Common salt. (sodium chloride)

  9. I always use 'roundup'. It is very good.All you have to do is spray the foliage of the weed and the the solution kills the plant including the roots,without poisoning the soil.

    The only thing to remember is not to spray if rain is imminent.

  10. Nothing that you can legally buy.  Poisoning the ground permanently is not regarded as environmentally friendly.

    Sodium Chlorate kills everything directly under it - and also spreads into the surrounding soil.  That lasts about 3 months.

    Simazine (found in products like Pathclear) kills everything it touches but doesn't spread.  It lasts about 6 months.

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