
Which were the most notorious n**i concentration camps and what countries were they in?

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Which were the most notorious n**i concentration camps and what countries were they in?




  1. the only one I can remember is Auschwitz

  2. Between the Russians & the n***s, there were concentration camps scattered throughout Eastern Europe.

    Some of my family spent over 20 years in Soviet Slave Labor Camps in the Ukraine.

    It is being mentioned that Obama is considering "Re-Education Camps" for us Common Working People when he becomes president.

    He is a scary man.

  3. The most notorious was Auschwitz-Birkenau, - over 1million died there, though it was not one of the fully dedicated "death camps" - it was a concentration camp and though most deaths were systematic murder (eg gas chambers) many also died from forced labour, disease and starvation, as Auschwitz was also an industrial complex and forced work camp.

    The most notorious "death camp" was Treblinka, where over 700,000 died in less than a year. It was one of the "Operation Reinhard" plan for dedicated extermination camps which had no other purpose.

    All of the following camps were in Poland:

    Auschwitz-Birkenau: about 1,100,000 dead

    Treblinka: at least 700,000

    Bełżec: about 434,500

    Sobibór: about 167,000

    Chełmno: about 152,000

    Majdanek: 78,000

  4. I cannot spell it but the one in Poland Austwych but I don't think there was much to choose between any of them

  5. Club Gitmo seems to be the most notorious if you consider wearing women's underwear over your head as torture.

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