
Which will be used more during the Republican Convention?

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Rudy's 9/11


We are God's people.




  1. Rudy's 911 and POW, because that will be the theme of their campaign. Security and prevention of another 911. I don't think that they will use God's people because the may turn off Main Street Republicans. They will appeal to the theocons more discreetly However none of these tricks wiworkwor and Obama will be elected.

  2. Wow I believe this race will be a close one. It totally depends on the guest speaker. I also believe the word surge will be thrown around along with offshore drilling. The funny thing about the "Surge" it took over five years of the Republican president and republican congress not listening to military leaders to realize that their course of action was wrong. The military leadership said from the start that Bushy and Rumsfeld were not committing enough troops in Iraq for it to succeed. So it didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that more troops were necessary. I find the lack of understanding from a large part of Americans on this issue mind boggling. The problem is most Americans get their information from the privately owned news outlets and are too lazy to do research and get themselves informed. The War in Iraq was solely about energy assets and the switch of Saddam to using Petroeuros. I am an American and a veteran, I love my country but am saddened at the unwillingness of most to truly understand the current situation of the American government and its foreign policy.

  3. Angry little man bashes Obama and sick republican humor. f.p

  4. Ben Hur's cross in the sand.

    Coins and Crosses never know their fruitless worth.

  5. All of the above.

  6. Obama supporters should wear this. Baaa Baaa Baaarack!

  7. Noun, Verb, POW.

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