
Which will insurance be more for?

by Guest33894  |  earlier

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Which will cost more on insurance, a 2003 mustang w/ 80,000 miles, or a 1998 Jeep Wrangler w/ 110,000 miles? I am a 19 yr old guy from VA. Any help is appreciated.




  1. Liability will cost more on the Mustang.  It would probably also cost more for comprehensive also.

  2. Mustang.

    I think - you should also compare insurance quotes for these cars before buying one, for example here:

    First time drivers usually have much higher rates than others. And it depends from car. Such a sporty car costs a lot to insure.

  3. that depends.  are you wanting just liability?  if so it does not matter what you drive.  liability rates are set by the state and are the same for all cars as you are not insuring the car you drive but damages you cause to others.  if you are looking for full coverage the mustang would run you more as it is a very high symboled car.

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