
Which will win in November, the liquefactionists or the cloners?

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McCain and Obama represent two methods of politics--McCain is a liquefactionist, basically love him or leave him, yer either with us or against us. They attack and want to eliminate all who disagree with them. Obama is a cloner--he wants to duplicate those who see the world the way he does. Obama, Obama, Obama everwhere. I think the cloners will overwhelm and drown the liquefactionists--this has usually been the case with politicians who were able to be as successful at the clone brand of politics as Obama has been so far. They are unbeatable in America. The Republicans will drown in Obamamites. I say, Obama by a ten point spread.




  1. Good thing I brought my hip waders.. This BS is as slimy and smelly  as Obama's. Good thing I can swim, too.

  2. you either got it or ya don't

  3. Obama losing by a ten point spread, you could be right but I don't think it will be that close.

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