
Which women and men do you have the least respect for on here?

by  |  earlier

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Women: April the great, Laela, and a bunch others

Men: dsds, Vincent, just another man, johno, and a bunch others




  1. Pro Life Persons

  2. Sweet i made some ones hate list woot, suppose that is better than not being recognized at all lol. thumbs up and a star to you dear.

    edit o and by the way you should listen to untamed rose she is right here, to make this so personal and call us out is doing nothing but showing that you and your little friends in your little chat room thing are declaring war on the rest of us. as if we don't already know this by the ah " so called random deletions" ya right as if this question will get reported you all would not report one of your own and we all are aware of just how it is coming about now don't we.

  3. ANTOL....jackass

  4. Anyone that is prejudiced and biased toward the opposite s*x.

    People who overgeneralize.

  5. I don't understand why you complain so much and flame so many people Mizz Unique

    I think you're very childish

  6. stepping out of line darlin

    we all have people we need to call them out

    it doesnt help anything really

  7. Johno ain't so bad, Laela at least is honest and consistent, I have nothing to say about the others :-D

  8. Any feminist male or female, including YOU.

  9. I am pro choice too. Even when it really late. But, that is not just a legal matter. It is because I think that women can get emotianally attached to gestating. It is their genetics afterall. Sick as it sounds and it does not give men rights to abort even though it is their genetics. But women are stuck for nine months creating a human being. It is not fair though. But, it does not matter I am still pro-choice! Our bodies, our will!

  10. All the trolls... I don't go on here much, but I would have to say... Carrie.

    I agree with Shura. I HATE those people who overgeneralize. Nice for them that everything must fit into a neat little category.

    Oh, btw, I share the same stance with you on abortion. No victim of rape should be forced to have to give birth the child of the rapist.

  11. Man:Anatol Kuragin, he said that he would break a women's teeth in real life.

    Women:Regina George, or whatever her name was, accused another women here of not taking care of her child just because she has a career and  she was just plain rude!

  12. No one really, I don't place the efforts of Yahoo! Answerd that far up on my social list, it's merely an internet hobby :)

  13. Since I dropped on by; it's time to look at this in another way.  Tell me just exactly how respectful is a post like this one; calling other people out; just because you don't agree with them?  You do realize that this is an attempt at taking away certain people's right to freedom of speech; thought I would let you know that.  Truth is Miss Unique; people are going to disagree; another truth is you don't like it when they disagree with you.  Good going you got some one mad and I can't say I blame them.  Me; I just laugh at people like you.  Besides; you may have to admit that I am the only female anti-feminist who has reached the 6th level; without a complete change; if I recall I believe at one time you went by the name Layla.

  14. Rose is right.  This kind of question gets reported and rightfully so; it's blatantly against the Community Guidelines.  Do yourself a favor and take it down yourself.

  15. I'm gonna kick your A*S!!!

  16. Anyone who places women and men in boxes.

  17. Aoi Roze( Blue Rose)

    I just have no respect for her at all....

    d**n know it all!


    ( eh gotta lighten the mood..thats just how i am)

  18. Yep don't forget me dear!  

    Since women seem not to respect logic and opinion derived through observation you gotta make sure you include me on the list of who you have the least respect for.    

    -See how I answered your question with logic, regardless to how 'trollworthy' it appears to be? While you answered mine with quote:

    " hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


    yeah, I didn't feel like answering to someone as bigoted as yourself, so thanks Tracey :)"      

    Observe the difference in quality and level of appropriateness in these answers?

  19. I really dont think you need to be putting up all the people you dont like up here!!  they may have said things you dont agree with, but at the end of the day its there opinions no matter how stupid it may sound to us!!!   I may not agree with peoples opinions but how about you confront them on their questions that have made you so upset!

  20. Aw wht's wrong wth Johno? I hve no respect for the idiotic misognyists. Cassius etc.

  21. I respect those posters who send me nice emails and my fans.

  22. Cassius, he is obviously very miserable..his crusade against women, bitter generalizations, and incoherent posts are just boring

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