
Which would be a better snake as a pet for a 13 year old boy?

by Guest63709  |  earlier

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i'm thinking about some morph of corn snake, or a colombian red tail boa, which is easier and will cost less money for the care.




  1. corn snake all the way. columbians are for experienced keepers and can grow to 9 feet long and have a nasty bite if they dont like you. corns are considerable smaller nicer and easier to take care of.

  2. get the corn snake. boas get too big and will cost alot more money to feed and house in the long run

  3. A corn snake would be a better choice because they are calm and like to be handled, which makes it a great snake for beginners. I also think they grow shorter than a boa. I'm not sure on that though.

  4. Corn snakes are much better for a 13 year old as they do not get unmanageable, do not require exceptionally large housing (a 55 gallon tank should suffice) and are generally very friendly. red tailed, boas, while great pets in themselves need large housing as they do indeed grow very large, heres an excerpt from a care sheet by melissa kaplan:

    "Take a moment....

    ...and ask yourself a couple of very important questions such as: do you really want a snake that will get to be 10 feet long, weigh over 50 pounds, urinate and defecate like a St. Bernard, should live more than 30 years and for whom you will have to kill mice, rats and, eventually, small rabbits? Many people think that it will be easy to find someone who will take it if they decide they don't want their Boa when it is 8 or 10 feet long. So, take a look at the classified ads--they always have sale ads for big pythons and boas. The zoo doesn't want any more--they already have more giant snakes than they need. The local herpetology societies and reptile veterinarians always have big snakes for whom they are trying to find homes. At 8 feet and 40 pounds, a 2-year old Boa may already be eating rabbits a couple of times a month and can be very unwieldy to handle alone. You have to interact with them constantly to keep them tame--do you want a hungry, cranky 10 foot snake mistaking your face for prey? Another consideration is who is going to help you clean its enclosure? take it to the vet when it's sick? take care of it when you go away to school or on vacation? No matter how much they love you, there are some things a mother, and your friends, will not do! Owning a big snake is not cool; it is a major, long-term commitment and responsibility."

    go with the corn, read up on their care online, you'll be much happier.

  5. corn snake

  6. are you sure you want a snake?

    snake are traitors!

    well, if you really want try to buy :

    a black mamba

    but i think that specie is endangered!

    so better not buy!


  7. Corn snake. They don't need too large of an enclosure and they aren't expensive to buy.

  8. The corn snake will be the better choice. Easier for a young man to take care of.

  9. The colombian red tail boa will reach up to 12 feet in length and will eventually become very expensive due to cage size, heating needs, food, etc. Get the corn snake. It will only get up to 4.5 feet, will only need a 20 gallon tank. It is also a very docile snake, and rarely, if ever bites out of fear (it will just poo on you).

  10. cornsnake...they get around 6' long tops and they stay skinny so a 40 gallon long aquarium would be fine for it as an adult.  a red tail can top out around 11' long and get pretty thick.  cornsnakes can eat mice all their lives (an adult probably 2 adult XL mice each meal), red tails will have to eat  jumbo rats (rats are more expensive.)  in the long run a cornsnake would be quite a bit cheaper and easier.

  11. Get the Boa

  12. you should pick a corn snake. they are very good for begginers because they are easy to care for and almost never bite and they apreciate handling.they come in many beautifull colors.

    here are some good website about corn snake:

    good luck with your new pet!

  13. A King snake is a very hardy, and makes a great pet. Our king snake was a rescue, and he loved to curl up in my sons pants and sleep.

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