
Which would be a better thing to do with your lover?

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to live together before marriage or to get married before living together.




  1. Marriage, (my View) is a wonderful thing, and makes the new experience of marriage a learning thing. Learn to compromise, patience, etc. Most important, if you are marrying a person, make sure this is your BEST friend. If not it won't work.

  2. It does not required to do anything but Love anything else will be added..Love is not "doing". There is a secret if you willing to do something it means you neglecting and distrust love, yes, that awfully simple. In another words you taking that what love can do easily on your shoulders..You start to think heavily.As you know love slowing down thinking ability and it is up to you to love or to think. Love will fade away and leave you with your former lover to experience the truth you both created.

  3. which would you do for ice cream?  Commit to eating only one flavor before trying it?  Or try it first?  Why would Ice cream be more important than your relationship?

  4. I always told my daughter to live with a man before marrying.  At least then you know something about him and how he will treat you.  This isn't always true, of course, because people change when you marry.  But at least you have a little idea of what they're like.  Never marry somebody that you haven't had s*x with--it may not be the most important thing in marriage, but it most certainly is VERY important.

  5. T L T B M

  6. Depending on your culture, you might not be allowed to live together before marriage as it is considered taboo.

    But by asking that question I assume that it is allowed in yours, so my answer is:

    Live together first. Agreed with "mo" above you'll have to know the person inside out first. And ask this question to yourself: do I want to see his face every single day I woke up in my bed? (And I mean Every. Single. Day; For the rest of your life) If the answer is no or maybe, then you should explore the answer yourself by living together.

  7. Live Together first!

    The reason is because living together makes you see a person better for who they really are, such as house habits and quirks!---And you get the feel of seeing that person night and day and how you react towards each other verbally and physically------and things will come out. And you would want to see all that before taking vows! :)

  8. live together before marriage.


  9. to live together before marriage  

  10. Live together but never marry because marriage is what causes the most problems in any releationship because no one can ever be truly ready for marriage.  So, marriage is times fool.

  11. Live together first .

  12. Live together.

    Don't betray your body by telling it your heart is in control.

    Besides, he could be a werewolf or worse, a slob.

  13. platonic love without physical contact will be a challenge.

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