
Which would be better? A male boxer or boston terrier? We have a female boston terrier that is spayed. ?

by Guest60437  |  earlier

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I also have 2 kids and my niece ages 2,3,4 who are very loving and good with the dog we have. The dogs will have plenty of love and attention but not sure if we should go with the bigger boxer or smaller bt. Any ideas and comments appreciated.





  1. Its really what your house can hold. If your house offers enough space to exercise and allow a Boxer to properly flourish, then get the boxer. But be warned, Boxers are a whole different ball park that Bostons, if you are thinking of adopting a Boxer into your life, make sure you do your share of research on the breed.  

  2. If you are considering the boxer - I would strongly consider adopting an older more mellow (perhaps trained?) one that his owners weren't able to keep - there are an amazing number of them out there these days...while boxers are lovely dogs...I would LOVE one...due to the ages of your children, and the boisterous nature of the boxer, and the size of your current older boxer, or another boston might be the best fit at this time.

    Once the kids are older, and are less likely to be bowled over a boxer puppy might be a better fit. If you did it now, it would be a ton of work!  

  3. I have 2 boxers, one female, one male.  My male boxer is the best male boxer I have ever had.  He can play with a 1,2,3 year old, and he is only 1 year old him self.  Most male boxers have a bad rep for being overly excited.  You really need to research the breeds.  I have never had a boston terrier, but I do know that a well trained boxer will be the best dog you have ever owned.

  4. depends on your lifestyle you need to research the boxer breed . you already have a Boston  so you should know the general  temperament .

  5. id go with the boston terrier  just to be safer

  6. I have two female Bossy's (6yo littermates) and a male Boxer (2 1/2yo).  This is my second group of Bossy's and Boxer packs.  They get along fine.  My male Boxer has had obedience training at least once a week for 2 years, and I strongly encourage Boxer owners to continue training throughout their lives (maybe not as frequent as I've done) for a well mannered Boxer.  Make sure to research the Boxer breed before you bring one home.  I canNOT emphasize this enough.  They are a great breed, but are definitely stubborn and high energy.  Check with your local Boxer rescue organization, even if they don't have a good match for you now, they may be able to put you in touch with a good obedience center - that's how I found my training.  But be careful, if you get a Boxer, you might not be able to stop at one!!!

  7. If someone says a Boston Terrier they are crazy. My friend had one that bit her 3 kids and had to give it away (although I know you love yours). My husband and I both grew up with Boxers. I've heard that a Boxer is the best dog with kids. The reason my dad got a Boxer was because he was mean to his Boxer when he ws little and that dog took it. The worst thing my Boxer ever did was take a pacifier out of my cousin's mouth. Boxers are amazing with children and I know that from experience. I have three rescued dogs now otherwise I'd be getting one myself. I have a brand new baby so that's saying something.  

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