
Which would be better for senior citizens: T'ai Chi or T'ai Chi Chih? Why?

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Which would be better for senior citizens: T'ai Chi or T'ai Chi Chih? Why?




  1. I don't think that one would say either art(style) is better than the other for age groups.  The only question you should ask, is what does your instructor know and what can they teach you so that you can learn the necessary aspects of Qigong in order to build a healthier, happier, longer life.

    I researched the founder of this style Tai Chi Chih, and it seems that he put some time in with his travels to the Orient and such. However there is no indication of any length of time he spent in each place. He could have gone there for two days or six months and we wouldn't know because it doesn't state which in his Biography. Since he's been doing it for so many years (since the 50's), I'd say he should at least know something.

    There can be many moves, or there can be few moves to practice when doing Tai Chi. Health-wise, if the moves balance each other out then that's all one needs. Generally the other movements are for martial(fighting) interpretations, and not necessarily needed for the health exercise.

    So, just visit a class with each society and see which one you like better. Come up with some questions to ask the instructor after class, and do so. Find out which is more knowledgeable, or if one is fraudulent. Then you will have your right choice.

    PS- I mention his travels, and a person doesn't have to travel in order to be knowledgeable. I just mentioned that because he lists no other "formal" training. Which could be a sour indication.

    Also there are many different styles of Tai Chi, so remember, it's all about the instructor.

  2. They should be basically the same for Senior Citizens.  See if the instructor does classes just for them.  Many times the moves and stances can be modified to make it more suitable for Seniors, especially ones with injuries or disabilities.

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