
Which would be better glasses or contacts??????

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im asking this becuz i really dont want to wear glasses but people say they will benefit




  1. contacts. i use contacts, and love them. today though, my right eye wouldn't let me wear them, so now i'm wearing glasses, and i hate it.

  2. Glasses. you can take them off whenever you want. I woud reccomend contacts if your eyesight is very bad and you really cant see a thing without glasses but with contacts  you will be able to see perfectly but they are a pain to begin with and at first they take ages to put in. If youre glasses arent very strong then i would reccomend glasses as you can just take them off as and when you wish.

  3. It depends on the person. Contacts are great, but sometimes somewhat depends on the kind that you get. But if you don't want to wear glasses, that of course is your option. (I don't believe in Lasik surgery, it's too new and I have seen some not so good things come from it).A lot of people will get both. They will wear their contacts when they are going somewhere, and wear their glasses just at home or where they don't mind wearing them or don't feel like messing with their contacts that day. They are called "back up glasses"

    Just check into it and see what you can afford and what you want to do. You said that people say that contacts will benefit? I don't know if your talking about your vision or what, but glasses will do the same thing for that. There are some really cute style frames out there.

    Best Wishes

  4. It depends on what you do during the day. If you are in front of a computer, driving, or playing sports...Contacts is more beneficial because they stay in place and do not have glares.

    Glasses are mostley beneficial for if you are lazy and choose not to take out your contacts at night because it can lead to infection. If you are not responsible, contacts can harm your eyes. But don't get me wrong, as long as you take them out and clean them, you will be fine.

    Contacts are what suit me, they don't get foggy, you can wear them in the shower and just about every other occasion. Also, there is not problems of getting them wet when it rains. It depends on the person... but I hope this helps!

  5. Wear what suits you and your lifestyle.  Always keep a spare set of glasses if you wear contacts.

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