
Which would be more effective to display power to my open hand or closed hand hit?

by Guest58499  |  earlier

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Which would be more effective to display power to my open hand or closed hand hit?




  1. Sorry this is the golf section, we only use clubs.  Your question would probably be better served in the Boxing section.

  2. Try both on the biggest and baddest dude you can find and let us know which one he thought was most effective.

  3. -.-

    I hope this is your idea of a joke otherwise you need serious help. I think the best way to display power to your wife is on your knees, letting her know that if you got out of hand all she needs to do is get a good kick in.


  4. Try not wetting the bed.

  5. Go back to your cave troll.

  6. If you plan on using the closed hand method make sure to place a phone book over her to reduce the swelling.

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