
Which would be most fun for a 19-years American who likes to go out at night? paris, london, marseille?

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Which would be most fun for a 19-years American who likes to go out at night? paris, london, marseille?




  1. Paris!!! Most Def.

  2. go to tokyo

    and be like bammmm

  3. where is marseille?

  4. London because u will meet soo many diverse people and the night life is nice. Paris is mostly nice for shopping but the nightlife  is good too. as for Marseille i rly dont think so because its more of a beachy town rite?

  5. london

  6. Paris is better than Marseille...there are a lot more things to do...

  7. Southern Spain (on the Med).  Clubs open at around 11pm, party all night, then get breakfast in the morning.  Beaches are spectacular, and you can rent a condo/apartment very cheap.  

    Lived in Sicily for 2 years, Rota, Spain for another year, and have visited Germany, France, etc....  Spain beats them all.

  8. Any of those would be good if you think getting mugged is fun.

    Congratulations, you got my 400th answer.

  9. I'm going to have to agree with the Spain answer.  You can't go wrong in Spain.  San Sebastian is magical, Pamplona is beautiful and full of fun, and the entire coast of Spain is one big party with wonderful, friendly people.  If you only speak a word or two of Spanish, you'll still get along.  If you can, travel southern Spain in April.  Loads of parties in April.

  10. Spain, like Madrid.

  11. When I was your age I spent a lot of time in London and certainly had a good time but then that was back in the 1960's and 70's during the era when the slogan was "England swings like a pendulum do."

    Then I discovered Paris and, ever since, I've preferred Paris to London.

    Paris stays up all night and while they've recently changed the licensing laws in England its still largely a city that shuts down relatively early.

    England also seems to have been on a downward trend in terms of people having little interest in anything other than drinking themselves stupid and acting like hooligans. If you idea of a good time is getting drunk, throwing up and getting into bar fights then maybe London is the place. Otherwise I suggest Paris.

    The music scene in Paris is excellant and there are a lot of really good dance clubs. Check out this little video of the Georges Cafe, a typical left Bank club: (Check out the girls. French girls are defintely fine.)

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