
Which would make a better pet. A donkey or a mule? Which requires the least space and care?

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Which would make a better pet. A donkey or a mule? Which requires the least space and care?




  1. a hamster that lives elsewhere with someone else

  2. I think that a mule is more durable.

    You have to know though that a mule cannot reproduce.

    You also have to take into consideration that a gelding is the best tempered.

    You have to castrate a mule even though they don't reproduce.

    They are both very stubborn.

    Donkeys are usually smaller.

    I have 3 mules and they kept their weight up even during this harsh winter.

    My other horses lost a bit of weight

    Either way the need at least an acre of good forage.

  3. Hmm, I would say a Gold Fish. That way when it dies from being neglected you just have to flush it.

  4. Well, both need alot of space and alot of care. Donkeys and mules are part of the equine family, and therefore harder to care for than your gerbil. May I suggest a pet rock?

  5. all large animals need A LOT of space and time and effort. Dont get one unless your willing 2 spend hours everyday caring for it. Which includes brushing, feeding twice a day grain, training it, exersising it, getting its feet trimmed every 4-6 weeks, loving it, and much more. They need about 3 acres to graze in and exersise in but if your riding or walking it everyday an 1.5-2 acres is fine. NO Less than 1.5 acres! Dont get either if you arent willing 2  dedicate time and effort and money. Mostlikey you should get a cat. They dont require as much care or time.

  6. Donkeys, mules, and horses ARE NOT pets, Bobby- they are LIVESTOCK, and need to be treated as such. All of these animals have specific needs, and if you know nothing about horses, then I would suggest you learn to ride and take some lessons, and then think about buying a horse after you have learned the basics.

  7. Guess it would depend on what your expectations are of a "pet" and how much time and care you plan to provide it and if you plan to use it for something or just look at it.  Both the mule and the donkey will require alot more space, (pasture, shelter etc.) than some of the other pets that were suggested by other posters.  If space and care are an issue it would probably be best to put off getting one for now.

  8. Donkeys, Horses, and Mules are not pets. If you begin to treat these animals as pets they can end up hurting not only themselves but you also. Equine take a lot of time, space, care, and management. Equine have a tendancy to go 'wild' if left without human interferance, they're not meant to be thrown in a small feild and let be.

    If you want something that takes the least care and space try a fricken goldfish or a gerbil. Not a donkey or mule.

  9. people like you shoudn't get a pet...

  10. a monkey...oooohhhoooohhh  aaahhhhaahhhh

  11. The fact that you need to ask this question screams that you shouldn't have either.

    A donkey, mule, miniature, or full blown horse all require A LOT of time and care.

    Maybe you should just think about maybe going to a local riding school or farm and looking at the animals. Let someone else look after them

  12. Seriously?  The least amount of care?  Get a goldfish.

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