
Which would make more money part time: serving or retail?

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I am going to be going to school full time and while I have retail experience, I am considering applying to places like Chili's and Red Robin instead of retail stores in hopes that tips will bring me more money. Is this a good bet to make more money? I am old enough to serve alcohol and have a friendly demeanor.

Is serving any worse than retail as far a rude people go? I've heard some horror stories and movies like "Waiting" are a little scary. But how bad is it really?

And the final leg of the question, are any chains known for treating their employees well or are there any places that have a horrible reputation?




  1. i think a restaurant will give you more money because of tips, but i also suggest if possible you should try to get a server job at a fancier or more expensive restaurant because people tip waaaaay better (they have money). My friend was a waitress at a pricey restaurant in santa monica and made usually 100/200 dollars a night in tips alone

  2. If you have solid retail experience you have already dealt with most of the ******* you are going to be waiting on. There is a lot of truth in those restaurant movies but don't let it scare you.

    I would suggest getting that servers job and while you are there, learn how to bartend. It will serve you well while you are in school and after school it will provide you with the best way to pay off those huge loans.

    Both retail and restaurant revenues are down at the moment so I would avoid retail at all costs.

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