
Which would u rather have? Freedom or Fame?

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Which would u rather have? Freedom or Fame?




  1. i wanted fame but now that you mention it i want freedom

  2. Freedom.

  3. I would rather have Freedom.  Fame often becomes its own prison.

  4. I rather feel free. Fame would feel like prison to me.  

  5. Freedom. What's fame without freedom to act on your fame.

  6. This one's easy for me. I would definitely chose freedom. I would hate to be famous, for any reason what so ever.

  7. Freedom

  8. I want to be fame because of my freedom.

  9. freedon........cuz like fame with miley cyrus she never has freedon to walk the streets without people in her face taking pics.

  10. I'd rather have Freedom because I would be free do to whatever I want.  Because if I chose fame, I could be undercontrol by someone else and I wouldn't be free.

    Freedom is a great thing!

  11. Freedom..of course

    Fame makes people greedy...

    the more famous they get the more greedy they are

    Many people aren't their real friends...friends for advantage only...

  12. Freedom and fame

  13. i want to be FREEEEEEEEE

    Good question: I STARRRRED

  14. FREEDOM to (fill in blank)!!!

  15. freedom.

    I can live happily without fame..


  17. I'd rather have freedom because fame makes me addicted to it and sometime when i go shopping or go somewhere else they always take my picture and always stare at me or look at me.

  18. Freedom. Have you heard anyone dying for fame? I don't think so!

  19. freedom i dont need or want fame!!

  20. well fame duh!

  21. How can you have fame without freedom?

  22. First Freedom then Fame :-)

  23. Freedom.... if I had fame, people would be all the time bothering me, but then again, I guess I could have them arrested by the police state.

  24. I know i couldn't have both..but i'd like to have freedom..

    i lives happily with freedom not fame..

    i couldn't even swim in the sea with all the people..

    i couldn't go shopping by myself

    i couldn't go anywhere without people staring at me and taking pictures and asking for autograph..


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