
Which would you prefer: Coal or Nuclear?

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  1. Nukes.

    (they called coal plants "dirt burners")

  2. 80% of France prefers nuclear.

    Government can get more of your money if we use coal  - carbon credits, etc.

    It would be no fun if we had nuclear running this country, nothing to get excited about anymore.

    The government can't steal as much money in the form of carbon credits from its citizens -  why do you think we don't use nuclear?

  3. Nuclear.  The benefits over coal are clear, and it's far more reliable.  Even Iran seems to have figured this out (if they're developing it for the reason they say...who knows?)  Coal is still abundant and more affordable though.  But I personally support nuclear power.

  4. Nuclear would be preferred by all if they knew the truth instead of the oil company lies that  Jimmy Carter used to make it non competitive with coal through legislation and decrees that prevent recycling the nuclear materials.

    Now if it were not for that decree all the rods that lose efficiency would be recycled and used again for millions of years. And the spot material that forms can be recycled into other rods that also would last millions of years. But because recycling was forbidden our nuclear material will only last a few hundred years instead of millions. Write your congressman and complain because only Congress can reverse that decree

    The cynics are right nine times out of ten.

    H. L. Mencken

  5. Why choose?  I prefer cheap power....give me both, and lots of it!

  6. solar power is ineffective and not viable....coal is our oil for the world, we could sell it to china at a fair rate, nuclear is the way to go get the anti recycle ban removed and we can have clean  efficent energy produciton for millions of years to come..and make billions off the coal we can sell to all the countries concerned about AGW......

  7. Nuclear plants, if they weren't made by the lowest bidder who has every incentive to cut corners to save on cost and run by companies who's main purpose is to make a profit, not to run it safely.    The federal gvt. (YOU) will pay trillions if there is an accident, not the company making the money.

  8. If we could find a way to recycle the nuclear waste, I'd prefer that. But the half-life is about a thousand years.

    Coal is a contaminant right now. So, that's a bad choice, too.

    What's wrong with solar?

  9. Nuclear.

    I would rather have radioactive waste buried in the desert than c**p in the air.

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