
Which would you prefer: London or NYC? Why?

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Which is cleaner, wealthier, safer, etc? Please explain...




  1. London!

    I could never leave Britain.. the fish, thechips.. the British-ness. You don't realize how much you miss it till you leave....

  2. NYC baby thats my home town. Its way better than london anyway, all the lights ahh yee

  3. NYC.....

    not cleaner....

    but it is wealthy...

    safe i dunno...

    i have been living here all my life and i have never seen someone kill soemone or rob someone...

    so it depends...if u were to be robbed u will even be robbed in the safest country of the world...

    its always fun here...

  4. londons wealthier, cleanliness and safeness i would say is the same...

    i would only say london is wealthier because its more expesive there than new york, but it all depends on what you do, where u live/what part you hang around the most...

    im from ny so i love nyc, Londons general population is not as diverse as NYC... i mean, where could you find the best authentic indian, chinese, itallian, korean food !?  NYC!!!!!

  5. new york, because i go to london ALOT.

  6. I would think that London is wealthier, cleaner, and just seems that way...and new york is very dirty and so much violence goes on there....not like i am putting it down....cuz i wanna live

  7. you muppet. you get all of that in london as well.

    NYC is for american losers

  8. New York City is so cool. I love the people, the stores, Times Square, Broadway, street vendors. The list goes on and on.

  9. London. It has more culture and history. People are nicer and classier.

  10. london. its just so much more mellow. but you've still got entertianment if you want it.  Londons probobly cleaner then NY. and safer,,

  11. NYC;

    Just because it's America.

    I live in London.

    Sick of it.

    New York is like another world.

  12. London, because I was born there and I love fish.

  13. Well NYC is fun but smell like p**s and grease, and London the people cant even crack a smile, a little uptight...

  14. neither hahaha NEW ORLEANS ye digg

  15. I've never been to London, but NYC is the best place in the world

  16. i would pick london because it is very clean and you don't see terriecs killing millions of people do you. and plus it is a different place then the usa.

  17. Apples and oranges. London is edgier, more ahead in trends and ever-evolving youth culture, music and the peaks and troughs associated with constant change. It's also not specifically geared towards the rich. New York is more consistent and less trend-orientated, it thrives on high-maintenance and money minded people. Both are dirty but that comes with being word metropolis cities. Both offer  massive cultural diversities, with regards to food and shopping they've both got it covered (except you can't get proper Fish & Chips in NY or a decent vindaloo despite what the person above says). Personally I prefer London, it's more  historical and magical, the architecture is amazing and it has everything human nature has to offer from the highest to the lowest, the outcasts to the prim and proper, you'll find it all in London (plus you can get a decent cup of tea).

  18. London.   Because NYC is filled with racist, murderous, Americans who are the filth of the world.

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