
Which would you prefer to perform the armbar or the kneebar? If you had to chose!?

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I like kneebars because it's very effective and crippling. The armbar is painful but the opponent still could get up and fight you.




  1. Armbar. The  mechanics are easier to understand, practice and perfect, and there are so many ways to lead into it.

  2. There are more variations of armbars then there are leg locks, or kneebars in your case.  You can hit an armbar from any dominant position and guard.  Kneebars and leg locks are more difficult, and a failed attempt can easily end up loosing your position on your opponent.  So even though kneebars are very painful, and can scare the c**p out of your opponent because your putting pressure on a larger joint, the armbar is a better option.

  3. Id go armbar definately.

  4. It's been my personal experience that when you reach down for a leg you're putting yourself at risk. If a knee bar fails your **** out of luck as it were. You lose any dominate position you might have had.

    There are problems with performing an arm bar in an actual fight, the most obvious yet the most obviously ignored? Biting. I know from experience. Catch someone in an arm bar in a street fight and they will bite the **** out of your leg. It sounds ridiculous but it's true.

    Either way, you don't need to worry much about losing a fight after a successful arm bar. If you lock the hold, apply breaking  pressure, you're still in a dominate position. You could easily transition to side control or mount after the break.

    Someone said the arm bar is more versatile and I'd agree whole heartedly. A few reasons to make it your go to move. 1) there are a ton of variations 2) it's a lot less risky than going for a leg 3) it's an easy transition to a combo attack such as an Americana, kimura, or triangle.

    Also, and I don't think anyone has mentioned this, in many tournaments and competitions straight knee bars are actually illegal, and if you apply the hold you'll lose points at the least, and possibly be disqualified.

    Hope that helps.

  5. I have used the armbar in a fight trust me they are not going to get up and fight you.

  6. Well me and my husband prefer the armbar.

  7. kneebar!!

  8. Why would you want to hurt people and why would you want to break someone's arm and get sued, it's also just wrong and brutish?

  9. In sanctioned and legal competition, the kneebar because you are less likely to hurt the much larger and stronger joint. In a fight, I would attempt neither. Chokes are to be performed in unsanctioned fights. Avoid lawsuits.


  10. Arm bars are a lot more versatile. You can perform them from many, many positions, even standing (waki gatame).

    Knee bars are harder to put on and requires a lot more work.

  11. knee bar is more rare, id go with knee bar.

  12. armbar much easier to get

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