
Which would you rather date? ?

by Guest66973  |  earlier

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Would you rather date a fat girl who is attractive and has a great personality or would you rather date a skinny not so attractive girl with a great personality?




  1. Bring on the curves!

  2. LOLS, i LOVE how some g*y guys (maybe they're bi and i'm wrong?  idk) are answering this question too.

  3. i dont care how they look.

  4. It depends on how fat she is. If she's like obese and obviously unhealthy I'd like the skinny girl.

  5. a skinny not so attractive girl with a great personality

  6. I want an average person who is attractive and has a great personality.....  

  7. So what exactly is the downside of the fat girl? She's got a great personality, she's attractive and she's fat. There is no downside. I don't even have to think about this one.

  8. Since I prefer butch, I'm going to have to say skinny. I hardly ever find overweight butches attractive.

  9. Erm Id go with the fat 1 but honestlynif it's the same personality it doesn't matter about looks or size

  10. ew fat ew                                 (jk)

    skinny with personality pleeeeeease

  11. The fat girl, cause she could lose weight. ;-\

  12. neither i'd rather date a guy


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