
Which would you rather get?...(fashion ladies!!)?

by  |  earlier

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ive always thought peace signs were so ugly! i saw this necklace and reallly liked it.

im having a tough time picking between the two!




  1. I like the second one.

  2. second one(:

  3. I like both, but I'd probably get the second one.  

  4. i  like the first one

  5. the second one!

    and guessing that its pretty expensive (cuz its chanel)

    you would WANT people to know that you were wearing chanel lol.

    and plus the second one looks co much more cleaner and more clean cut.

  6. i like the first


  7. 2. I'm not big on peace signs.

  8. i wouldnt get either one because i already have both of them!They are the cutest necklaces in the world,dont wear it in salt water or while you are taking a shower!

    If you can afford it then get both but if you could only get one...

    then get the first one.

  9. the first.

    it's not as large as the second and the second looks a bit tacky due to its size.

  10. they are both tacky.

  11. I would personally pick the first one.

  12. SECOND ONE!!!

    omg i was seriously gonna buy that one too!!

    it's so cute.

    buy it buy it buy it!

  13. I like the second one better.

    I think the first one with all the little peace signs looks kind of tacky/childish.

    (it sort of reminds me of  something a 6th grader would wear)

    The second one is more simple, and would go with more (I think).

  14. second

    the first one is nice but it looks too...busy ya no?

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