
Which would you rather have done?

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So, my doctor wants me to decide if during surgery I want to be under or numbed with gas and stuff.

Either way I am going to have an IV and have the air stuff that goes up your noes. Tell me what you would rather have. My parents are just like, "It is your decision on what you feel most comfortable with." So I have no help from them. Also, any tips for the surgery are welcomed! Thanks!

<3 Meghan!




  1. Being numbed, you will still feel everything.  The only difference is that the part being numbed will not feel much pain.  I was numbed for surgery and I STILL FELT EVERYTHING!!!!   It was morbid to feel my skin tear and have sutures put into the surgical incision later.  I would have rather been under because that way I wouldnt have known anything that was happening around me!!!

    Being numbed will lessen the pain but you still get that odd sensation of someone cutting you and ripping your skin.  

    I SUGGEST GOING UNDER.  I only have experience being numbed.  I dont know what its like to go under.  However, given the choice, I&#039;d rather go under KNOWING THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING NUMBED DOESNT REALLY HELP YOU PSYCHOLOGICALLY!!!

  2. I am not sure what type of surgery you are having but I know for me if there was any chance I could see body or hear something that would make me feel squeamish I would want to be put under. Just try to think of what you will remember if you are only numbed and not unconcious.

  3. I would want to be out...good and out.  Take the drugs baby!

  4. It&#039;s really about personal preference. I, personally, would prefer to go to sleep and then wake up and have everything done.  But on the other hand, you start feeling normal again faster from a local anesthetic (freeze the area) than you do from a general (knock you right out). Also, depending on what type of anesthetic they use to knock you out, you may feel nauseous after the procedure.

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you, which ever you choose!

  5. What kind of surgery?Me?any surgery is knock me OUT.I  had numb sugery for serious tooth problem.I remember everything and I still dont like those memories.I chose not be be put under.BIG mistake.Never again.If I aint out dont touch me.hugs to you and good luck,J

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