
Which would you rather take for a million dollars- a Zdeno Chara slapper or a Chris Neil sucker-punch?

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Which would you rather take for a million dollars- a Zdeno Chara slapper or a Chris Neil sucker-punch?




  1. Punch

  2. Chara's slap shot, if I'm a goalie.  Then I have equipment on.  Any cheap shot sucks and hurts like h**l.

  3. I'd definitely go for the punch.

  4. Give me the slap shot. At least I'll be ready for it.

  5. i'd go for the shot. i've taken kicks to the face (huge shiner) and other areas in soccer with no padding, with padding on it shouldn't hurt that much......yeah right. but still, i'd def. go for the slapper.

  6. Punch.

  7. I would take the shot. I block enough shots when I play so. I am getting used to it. Bring it on Zdeno.

  8. I have taken quite a few good slap shots in games.  (to the back, inside of the leg, inside of the wrist, couldn't move my hand for a week) so I would have to go with Zdeno Cahra's slap shot, to see what a pro's is like.  I have never been in fight so that doesn't interest me as much.

  9. I'll take the sucker punch.

  10. the punch. At least I won't get hit in the nads.

  11. Well, the slapper is coming in at over 100mph with deadly force, and the punch is coming in at a much less lethal speed, so i would take the punch.  But if I was fully dressed in gear and all, i'd take the shot because I don't want to fight Neil, he's a bad man, and i think i could stop the shot from long as it is right at my pad where it won't hurt hellas bad.

  12. I'll take the shot! But I will make sure I have all the equipment on I need!

  13. Ouch!  Maybe Koules can pay a million dollars for a defenceman...

  14. the slapper i wouldnt need to get in front of it. i have recently figured out i cant tip a puck to save my damned life but when i try to the puck always hits my stick and stays out of the net so i would just deflect it out of the way

  15. Punch definately.

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