
Which wrestler......??

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What dvd would you like to see come out next?

Who should get a dvd that hasn't had one yet?




  1. i reckon Kane should get a dvd int he future.. Kurt Angle as well like a full proper 8-9 hour dvd a Randy Orton one in the future wud be exellent and maybe Batista aswell but not yet maybe liek 3-4 years

    : )

  2. Randy Orton......

  3. jeff i should say ..

    his my favorite !  

  4. I'd like to see one on the Superfly, Jimmy Snuka, one of the biggest stars of the 80's, and a pioneer high-flyer.

  5. The Acolytes (Protection Agency)

    It would be a great way to showcase Ron Simmon's greatest moments in the business as well as showcasing John "Bradshaw" Layfield's greatest moments. And, naturally, it would show off the best APA moments.
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