
Which wrestlers fans are the most sensitive?

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Jeffy Hardy's because all you got to say to get them worked up is that he is a no good druggie or John Cena if you say he has no skill and is one of the worst wrestlers ever




  1. those wrestling fans who know nothing..

  2. cena and hardy fans because their big fans might love them but not so big fans might say hardy cant wrestle nor can cena, personally i  think theyre 2 very good performers and they might not be the best wrestlers but they can Enternain you thats why its called wwe


  3. uhh not alot of people are going to like this question...

    good luck to you...

  4. its the little kids that think john cena is god i told this kid john cena sucked and he started hittin  

  5. Shawn Michaels fans are the most sensative especailly because he is probably the next superstar who is going to retire so they are sad that he wont be around too much longer

    plus he is an emotional guy so it makes sense

  6. Jeff Hardy, Edge, John Cena & Randy Orton fans get bent out of shape really fast in my estimation. Out of all four, it seems like a lot of guys get whiny about Randy Orton, so I pick the "Legend Killer".

  7. I'm gonna say John Cena's. They seem to get mad if you say anything bad about him.

  8. Cena's-b/c there like 6

  9. I'm a fan of both Hardy and Cena. I don't take it personal when people trash them. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I do see where your coming from. Some people do get very sensitive when you dis their fav. wrestler. Most sensitive fans: fans of John Cena, Jeff Hardy, and Batista.

  10. I was gonna say Jeff Hardys fans.  If you say anything about how he has no talent unless he is on the top rope, they get all up in arms and upset.

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