
Which years between 1980 to 2006 did the Republican party had control of the U.S. House and Senate?

by  |  earlier

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Not expecting a partisan answer, by the way.




  1. Senate Rep 1981-1987

    Senate Rep 1995-2001

    Senate Rep 2003-2007

    House Democrats 1979-1995

    House Rep 1995-2007




  2. so nice of you to ask others to do your home work for you,

    Let me tell you about knoledge, you have to know where to go to find the answers, that is why you go to school, not to be able to remember all the BS but to know where to find it and undersand what you have found when you find it.

    Asking people on the internet yo do your legg

    work for you for free how silly is that. now if you would like you silly little question answered youo should consider how much cash you got in your stupid little pocket.

  3. If you go back and figure out when the economy was strong and the country was growing, that's when repubs were in control.  When our country was weak and in excuse mode trying to point fingers that's when the Dems were in control.

    Hope that helps!

  4. Here's the majority party history for the Senate:

    Here's the majority party history for the House:

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