
Which zodiac sign elements when together are the most playful or most violent towards each other?

by  |  earlier

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Like for example, two or more fire signs, or air, water, and earth signs are together. Each element is different and they have their own characteristics that are deemed acceptable. So which element, when together would think it's acceptable to fight or be mean?




  1. Air excites fire= huge fire...more violent but also excitement?

    Air and water =Tornado,squal,Hurricane,Typhoon,Cyclone... violent scenario for mankind but a good combination of a strong pair, VIOLENT? or playful? or both, ha ha ha...

    Water and Earth?--Too much water causes erotion-Kills all the plants, but normal rain can also provide better life to all living things...A good pair????

    Earth and fire= violent pair??? the sun will make the place like desert --lol--...cannot survive without air and water... So it's no good...

    So I think that the same elements will be just fine, but if two elements will be together, it needs to be compatible... Right chemistry so to speak...

  2. what about air and do they fight together?

    and is this based on sun signs or mars signs?  or is it based on most of the chart being in that element making the person mainly for example....water person if they have more planets in water in their charts.

  3. The Most Playful , when together : Air and Fire

    Most Violent , when together: Fire and Earth (think of Lava)

    Most Loving , when togther, : Water and Water

    Most Passionate , when together: Fire and Fire

    Most interesting togther: Air and Air

    Most Stable when together: Earth and Water

    Most Productive together : Earth and Earth

    Most Turbulent together: Fire and Water

  4. water and water the most playful

    fire and fire the meanest, and im not just making that up

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