
Which zodiac the best suits him?

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I just want to test the 'accuracy' of the zodiacs, also want to see which one have the most answers for the personality. This guy has these personality:

Greedy over money

Easily jealous

Nervous of beautiful girls

Quiete in social

Easily bored





I only want one word, either Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. If it is not the most answered, I won't believe with this non-sense ever. One word.




  1. Scorpio

  2. Well, there are only a few signs who are both "greedy over money" and "lazy" at the same time, so I know its NOT Capricorn. Taurus is a Venus sign as well as Libra, and both have "Lazy" tendencies. However, Libra tends to be a flirt or social butterfly. I would have to say Taurus.The Handsome quality also comes from the Venus influence and triggers them to be quite "Sensual and Sexual". We can cross out any air and fire signs for anyone who is labeled "Quiet". Lol. Scorpio, Cancer, and Virgo are also hardworking. And, it sure isn't Pisces, the humanitarian, who for sure isn't "greedy over money". It has to be Taurus.

  3. Aries

  4. Hes a Taurus for sure.

  5. god i can only think of 2 words Leo or Aries. ( sorry i didn't stick to the one word rule)

  6. Rofl...I rule out Aries, they arent lazy..well the majority arent.

    I rule out Leos...they aren't nervous of girls...or greedy..

    I can only think of one, Taurus.

    The easily jealous,Sexual and Money gave it away :D

  7. Haha Aries.

  8. taurus the bull. that was easy 2 points.

  9. aries

  10. nd are you naive enough to believe that the persons personality is just based on the postition of the persons sun sign? I suggest that you do a little research than ask your question about this Ancient subject that you are calling nonsense. You obviously have an afflicted moon or mercury.

  11. Taurus people can be lazy, materialistic, and jealous, that's for sure.  But some of the traits don't sound like a typical Taurus, but the majority wins.  I'm saying Taurus.

  12. Well judging by the criteria you mentioned and your BAD attitude I would have to say Taurus.  Also if you are a Taurus I find it hard to believe that you are "easily bored".  Taurus people usually easily bore everyone else.

  13. Taurus

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