
Whichis better Silva Method or Silva Ultramind ESP?

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Seems like there are two off-shoots of Jose Silva's Silva Mind Control Method. Am planning a first level seminar and can't decide which one to go with - as in a) More effective b) More authentic?

Need to make a decision before 3rd December 2007.




  1. "The Silva Method (formerly Silva Mind Control) is a self-help program which claims to teach one how to increase one's IQ, develop clairvoyance and use the mind to heal the body and find God, among other things. The program promises to teach you to "use the untapped power of your mind to accomplish whatever you desire."*  The program is a hodgepodge put together by trial and error by José Silva (1914-1999), an electronic repairman who had a voracious appetite for literature in psychology, parapsychology, and religion. He studied hypnosis, hoping to use it to increase the IQ of his children, but became interested in developing psychic abilities after he became convinced that one of his daughters was clairvoyant."

    I'd say they are all variations on the same theme/technique. The first you mentioned is the basic training and the second one is the next logical step.

    Check out this link once you've begun the seminar and try some of these sounds:

  2. The Silva UltraMind ESP System

    This seminar is uniquely designed to help you develop your ESP skills and ability to influence healing in others. In addition you will learn how to identify your personal mission in life and to use the creative power of your mind to propel you toward this goal.

    Silva UltraMind ESP systems guides you to find the correct level of mind, the correct attitude, and the correct techniques to use your ESP to find out what your mission in life is and how to fulfill it successfully.

    Tap into your natural psychic ability. Have you ever just thought of somebody and the phone rings and it's the same person? Or perhaps you say something at exactly the same time as a friend says it or thinks it! This is your own natural ESP at work. Now you can easily develop your own ESP and learn to project your mind and detect information to help you make better decisions about health, relationships, business, personal development, and even your purpose in life. Make good decisions Bad decisions lead to disappointment, unhappiness, suffering, failure. Good decisions bring you success, happiness, respect, fulfillment, love.

    This new ESP System involves communicating with higher intelligence, as well as all the various aspects of mental telepathy. Once you've mastered the simple techniques, you'll be able to unleash the telepathic powers you were born with.

    Jose Silva began his research into the mind and human potential in 1944, and began teaching courses based on his research findings in 1966. His first course, The Silva Method (also known as BLS and Silva Mind Control Method) has been taught to over 4 million people worldwide and his books have sold over one million copies. He continued to conduct research to find a reliable way to communicate with and obtain guidance from higher intelligence. He finally found the answer in 1997 with the MentalVideo Technique, which is at the heart of the Silva Ultramind ESP System. This system is the culmination of Jose Silva 55 years of research.

    Through the years, a number of scientific studies have been made concerning the nature of reported benefits of the Silva Method, both physiological and psychological. Numerous research studies have proven that the Silva Method helps to improve health, sleep, relaxation ability, memory, confidence, self worth, habit control, creativity, psychic awareness, scholastic and athletic abilities.

    Jose Silva spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind. His research has revealed that 90 percent of people use only the left-brain hemisphere to think and manage their lives. They do both their thinking and acting with only the left-brain hemisphere. Only 10 percent of humanity thinks with the right-brain hemisphere, and then acts with the left-brain hemisphere. They are the highly creative, innovative, successful people that we have all read about. They make fewer mistakes, have fewer accidents, are luckier, and are more successful in life. In other words, the 10 percent are classified as “geniuses”. But Jose Silva believed that we are all geniuses and just need to learn ways to tap into our genius quality. This was the focus of his life’s work.

    Jose Silva, through his mind training systems, literally changed people's consciousness. When he began teaching his systems back in 1966, most people didn't believe in ESP. By the mid-90s public acceptance of ESP had grown significantly so Jose Silva decided to produce a seminar devoted exclusively to the development of ESP. That's what the Silva UltraMind ESP System is all about. It's the culmination of his life and research. He created it shortly before his transition in 1999 at the age of 84.

    The Silva UltraMind ESP System provides an easy way that you can use to connect with your higher source and get the guidance and direction you need for success. This means you regain the power to manifest, to heal, and to attract what you desire into your life. But Jose Silva wanted to help people achieve much more in life. He wanted to teach them how to use their ESP to discover their purpose in life. Jose Silva sincerely believed that everyone is put on Earth for a reason and it is up to us to fulfil this plan. He said "the reason we were given psychic ability is so that we can find out what we were sent here to do, and how to do it successfully."

    The Silva UltraMind ESP System teaches a powerful new technique called the Mental Video technique which Jose Silva developed to help people identify their life plan and gain intuition to help them make important decisions toward the fulfilment of their personal life mission. The System is designed to help you find out what your mission in life is; to make decisions about what to do with your life; and the best ways to do it. Silva provides the most powerful techniques on the planet for getting rid of problems that can impede your progress towards your goals. It also provides you with the most powerful and effective programming techniques ever developed to help you reach your goals.

    According to Jose Silva, "This is the course I have wanted to teach since the beginning, however, humanity was not ready back then." The Silva UltraMind ESP System takes you to deeper levels of the mind for more effective programming, decision-making, and success.

    The Silva Ultramind ESP System - An investment that will change your life now and in the future, so that the rest of your life is the best of your life.

    In Just 3 Days, You Can Change Your Life for The Better.

    The three-day programme combines lecture and a series of mind-directed exercises designed to expand and enhance the way you think, giving you control over various challenges in your life. These guided exercises start with teaching you how to put yourself in a relaxed state, which we call the "alpha level." With practice, you become more in tune with your self and your surroundings. Each exercise leads you to greater awareness and an increased ability to focus your thoughts. This newfound ability allows you to solve everyday problems, to gain a better perspective of your life, and manifest your desires.

    All of the 16 Silva techniques taught throughout the 3-day training are fully explained and backed up with historical and scientific information. You gain a thorough understanding of how the techniques can work for you in real-life situations.  

    Developed over 50 years ago by Jose Silva, there are no limitations to the changes you can make by applying The Silva Method™ to your life.


    The Silva Method course is comprised of four modules. Each module focuses on specific techniques and goals that benefit your mind, body, and spirit.


    In the first section, you will learn how to relax your body and mind deeply in seconds. By learning to relax and leverage your personal energy, you will:

    ·          Feel healthier and more energetic

    ·          Sleep better and eliminate insomnia

    ·          Feel peaceful and serene

    ·          Slow the aging process

    ·          Improve your immune system  

    ·          Decrease blood pressure

    ·          Decrease chronic pain and headaches

    ·          Feel more enthusiastic


    In the second section, you will utilise the relaxation methods and expanded level of awareness to focus your mind on your desired goals in a more efficient and effective way. You will use your enhanced imagination and visualisation skills to achieve:

    ·          Improved memory & learning ability

    ·          Increased concentration & alertness  

    ·          Control over unwanted habits, such as smoking, overeating, or procrastination  

    ·          Creative & successful problem-solving

    ·          Enhanced decision-making

    ·          Easier goal setting and attainment

    ·          Greater self-understanding, peace, and confidence

    ·          Heightened enjoyment of life


    In this section, you will begin to understand how a lifetime of negative programming may affect your perception of life and of yourself, and learn skills to free yourself from limiting beliefs and behaviours that interfere with your ability to enjoy life to its fullest. You will discover how to generate positive states and attitudes that transform your personality and enable you to:

    ·          Improve communication & performance

    ·          Increase income

    ·          Enjoy more harmonious, happier relationships

    ·          Liberate yourself from feelings of guilt and fear

    ·          Increase self-esteem & self-assurance

    ·          Free yourself from negative thinking and behaviour


    In the last section of the course, you will learn to apply your mental senses of intuition and creativity in a fascinating and useful skill called "case-working". This will allow you greater success in family, career, finances, community and life.

  3. I guarantee you they are both highly separating, *person* from his money.

    They are also both going to be just as effective (i.e. not at all) at allowing you to read someone's mind.

  4. Ha what?

  5. I've tried Silva Ultramind, but I didn't get all the way through it. I gotta be honest, as someone naturally inclined to psychic abilities, it didn't do much for me. From what I can remember, it seemed rather complicated and tedious. I know I stopped using it (I was recieving it free, like once a week) because it didn't work. Simple meditation does it much better for me.

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