
While I play music from my instrument, I see something strange...?

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When I play my saxophone, along with all the other instruments in band class, I see colors. I see colors, patterns, things like that. Anyone else have a problem like this, or know what it is? Let me know is I'm in the wrong section for this kind of question, and please re-direct me! :P




  1. You could possibly have Synesthesia.

    It is sort of like your senses connect and it varies from person to person, it's not necessarily a bad thing either.

    Some people view certain words as certain colors, or just relate senses.

    Here is an interview about it that will explain better than I can:

    And here's a site on it:

    I hope that this helps, and remember I could be wrong. The description just sounds like it fits well, but learning more about it is probably the best way to go.

  2. since it is sax, it could mean that your brain is not getting enough oxygen.

    Maybe you have asthma and you don´t know it, you should check with a doctor, it could be dangerous.

    It used to happen to me. With the time and diferent activities got worse and worse, But I´m a lyric singer, after a while I checked with my doctor, and it was asthma :(

    Now I use medication and it´s ok., But

  3. I have the same thing sometimes when playing wind instruments. Apparently I was hypoventilating-- I'd take a really deep breath ahead of a long passage, and then not let it out evenly. As I got better at breath control it went away.

    I was disappointed, actually, because I thought I had synesthesia and it sounded so dramatic and artistic. But actually that's a neurological condition and not an indicator of creativity. Everyone has it to a greater or lesser degree.

  4. There is a name for it: Synesthesia

    a neurologically-based phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.

    It just means that you also "hear" with your eyes. There are some that can also taste music and words.

    Check out the wiki page for more info:

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