
While I sleep I bite down really hard..!?

by  |  earlier

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and push my bottom jaw forward which puts pressure on my two front teeth and in the morning they hurt really bad. Is there anything I can do to stop doing this? I notice I do it more when I wear my retainers. I have the clear ones that look like invisalign.




  1. Is this a recent problem?  How long has it been going on?

    Getting a night-guard asap really is the first thing you want to do.

    If you can't find one right away, then it won't be too terrible to sleep a few nights without your retainers.

    Then go see your dentist soonest as you may have caused some damage to your teeth (micro-fractures) that could make you more susceptible to cavities or other dental problems.  If this have been going on for over 6 months, you may be pushing your teeth out of alignment and making the retainers useless.

    Are your retainers very uncomfortable? Get them adjusted.

    If this is a very recent thing and you are in the process of getting used to your retainers, then you may only need a mouth-guard to help you through it.

    There is also a possibility that the retainers have very little to do with it.

    Any extra stress in your life lately?  Any medications? (Certain antidepressants.) These things can also lead to teeth clenching and/or grinding.  Stress = well, reduce it.  ;)  Meditation, simple breathing exercises, whatever works.  Everyone should do this anyway.

    If it's a medication then it gets a bit trickier and you'll need to work something out with both your dentist and your doctor.

    If this becomes a chronic problem not quickly and easily resolved, THEN go and seek out alternative methods such as craniosacral therapy and many others that deal with TMJ (Temporomandibular joint disorder) aka TMJD, TMD.  Which I seriously doubt is the cause of your current problem.

  2. go to the dentist

  3. Fairly common problem, believe it or not, as is teeth grinding.

    Your pharmacy may have a night guard available on it's shelves... if so, try that.

    If not, or if it doesn't help, see your dentist.

  4. You could maybe put a cloth or something in your mouth to keep you from doing it. Maybe the dentist could give you something to help you to quit. It wouldn't be too fun to put a cloth in your mouth at night, but it'll probably help your teeth from hurting the next morning.

  5. go see a cranio sacral therapist!

    they are the only ones i know sofar how to deal with this....

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