
While I was eating at McDonald's, I removed a large bandaid from an infected sore on my arm?

by Guest57231  |  earlier

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I accidentally sucked the pus and blood from it, and I noticed some people sitting at the table next to me were watching me. They gave me these really nasty rude looks then stormed out of the restaurant. Even though we were just eating at a fast food restaurant, don't you think these folks could be more considerate of others?




  1. What is up with people today? Can't a guy suck his own puss in public anymore? Next you're going to say that autofellatio in public is some how wrong.

  2. So did the bandage fall in top of your burger, fries, etc? And you sucked the pus from the bandage or arm? You know you should be more careful because people can think that you are an unusual person.

  3. I agree, what's the crack with these people, as if your actions would upset anyone.... A big guy sat in the corner filling his face with 10 big mac's would be worse!!

  4. Well I think that you should have been more considrate  about that I mean that is not the place  people were eating would you like to watch that?

  5. This is SO gross! First off, you need to answer your own question.  It doesn't matter where people are eating, they're eating, and you need to learn some manners and be respectful of others.  That is the most disgusting thing to do in a place where people eat food.  OF COURSE they gave you dirty looks, I probably would too if I saw someone doing what you did in a restaurant.  Get some manners!

  6. Them? How come YOU weren't more considerate? That's gross and very unsanitary!!! You could have at least had the dignity to go to the bathroom or outside! Eww. They were great people, someone else would've curse you out and hurt your feelings!

  7. Ew! Why would you do that for! The people in the resteraunt have a right to storm out! That's not your resteraunt. Do that outside! Sick!

  8. you're a troll.

    you have like 578275098 of these questions just like these.

  9. u only ask questions about meal may b ur weight may b ur weight 500 lol

  10. Are you kidding me????  That is gross!!  How do you "accidentally" suck pus and blood out of your wound?  I would have walked out too!  You need to be more considerate.  If you act that way in public, i'm afraid what you do in private!

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