
While Rudy was talking about Georgia...?

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Why didn't he mention how George W looked into Putin's eyes, and saw his soul?

Isn't George W the guardian of the platform? The Senior Executive?




  1. Bush is under the bus...

  2. Come, come now. We are all Georgians because Rudy said so. Might as well be. After all Georgie Boy is sending them a billion dollars. Which is more than he's willing to spend on this country.

    But hey I'm not bitter or anything.

    Good thing the Republicans that gave us George W. put America First.

  3. The Georgian military – armed and trained by America and Israel – stormed through South Ossetia and overran the region’s putative capital city (leaving it a smoldering ruin). Thousands of Ossetian refugees poured northward to Russia, bringing harrowing tales of Georgian brutality. As the Georgian army swept through the countryside, they encountered groups of Russian peacekeepers, who had been stationed there years ago to monitor a previous ceasefire. Several of those Russian soldiers were killed by the advancing Georgian forces.

  4. They are gonna turn on Bush like a pack of Wolves. The funny thing is, it doesn't anger the Bush supporters because they just look at it as a means to an end. That being winning the election. Could you imagine if the Dems trampled Clinton, how the republicans would be saying it was hypocritical!

  5. one would think so but it seems the republicans just want to forget everything they did over the past 8 years.your smart and hot good day dino

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