
While Rush is busy criticizing Dems for getting on Palins daugter does he recall calling Chelsea a dog?

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burke... I am not criticizing the Palins, I am calling Rush a hypocritical idiot




  1. Rush called Chelsea a Dog? WOW when was this? Rep always flip things and it's not even Obama's camp discussing that girl's pregnancy it's the Media in general Fox News too

  2. rush is a commentator...DUH

    these are NEWS ANCHORS getting on Palin and Rush has every right to slam them.   I never saw news anchors trashing Chelsea.  Commentators can slam anyone, who cares.  When news anchors do it, we have a bias problem.


  3. Yes, I do remember when he said that.  This just goes to show you what a clown he and his listeners are.  

    To the dummy that said, 'There's a difference between a radio personality and the media trying to destroy...'

    You do realize that a radio personality is part of the media, don't you?

  4. Why do you want another coke head as president?  Yes I said it, Just posting the facts per Obama. He was an outstanding example of teenage virtue.

  5. Chelsea is better looking than any woman Rush has ever been seen with.  She has a lot of class, which Rush is totally lacking in.  Unfortunately Ms Palin is taking the brunt of Dems who have been forcefed personal attacks such as the one you have referenced.  The GOP has always responded that Rush has the right of free speech and they are powerless to control him.  I guess that Bloggers have the same rights of free speech and there is nothing the Dems can do to control them either.  So sorry about that.  

  6. What has one to do with the other.

  7. Why are you listening to Rush and not Obama, he says kids are a no go area.

  8. Yep...and he appologized on his show..... wonder when the Daily Kos and will.......(even Obama had to run out and distance himself)..... for it is backfiring pretty fast.

  9. OK, you're both wrong for saying rotten things.

  10. No he forgot.  He was in drug induced haze when he said it.

  11. So just because Rush does it means you should do the same?

    If Rush jumped off a cliff would you do it just because he did?

  12. Remember. Rush has an advantage. He isn't perfect, just forgiven. It's the excuse all the right wing people make for their bad behavior.

  13. I'm sure all of the Rush fans on here will come to his defense by saying that Rush Limbaugh is political "entertainment."

    It's funny how professional wrestlers, when confronted of what they do is scripted and fake in response they call it sports "entertainment." So by that observation, Rush Limbaugh is just fake politics.  

  14. Of course he recalls it, but the dimwits who listen to him are lucky if they remember what they drooled on their shirts from breakfast, let alone what happened over 15 years ago.

  15. First off

    We KNOW how YOU folks would react if Chelsea Clinton got pregnant

    "its because her parents are immoral" would be the whine

    We find it quite ironical that your party

    talks about inexperience then wants to elect a mayor of 4900 and one time governor who doesn't even want to be part of USA !!!

    talks about how immoral liberals are for allowing their daughters to get pregnant instead of teaching them ABSTINANCE ONLY

    talks about liberal pork in the budget and wants a governor that got millions for her town of 4900


    especially how John (low life) McCain can tell unsavory Chelsea jokes while being taped and its way off limits to mention this pregnancy

  16. Chelsea has a butter face but not bad body


  18. there is a difference between a radio personality calling someone a dog and the media trying to destroy a 17 year olds life.

  19. The Repubs are getting a little thin skinned...they are getting a little swiftboat action and they are crying like babies....

  20. Exactly. It is interesting that Republicans criticise Democrats for bringing up Palin's daughter when they were the same party that would always make fun of the way Chelsea looked.  

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