
While driving at night from Point A to B, why does it appear that the moon is following me?

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While driving at night from Point A to B, why does it appear that the moon is following me?




  1. Earth is spherical in shape, so moon is a virtual concentric point for us(equii distant  from all points on earth). That is why where ever we go, the moon follows us until you reach a place with different altitude, were the moon seem to be closer than before.

  2. The earth is spheriucal and is constantly moving.

    So, u get the moving feeling.

  3. The moon is a distant object (about a quarter of a million miles away), so its position in the sky does not noticeably change when you move from one point to another (aside from its normal path across the sky resulting from the Earth's constant rotation, of course). This is an effect called parallax, and you're probably quite familiar with it already - say you can see something large in the distance, a mountain or something, and lots of things smaller but closer to you (building or trees, for instance). If you walk a few hundred yards along the nearby objects will have moved noticeably in your field of vision, but the distant object will not have changed position very much. It's the same effect with the moon (and the sun, stars, planets, etc.) - they're such a long way off that moving around even hundreds of miles on Earth makes no noticeable difference to their position.

  4. Maybe you should keep yer eyes on the road next time when driving at night. Be safe, not sorry.

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