
While driving on the Autobahn here in Deutschland I tend to drive the speed limit. Am I the only one?!?

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People speed by me at 180k+. They get very angry if I attempt to pass a truck at a reasonable speed. It is frustrating but my days harboring road rage are over.




  1. Don't let it bother you, people are just always in a hurry and don't care for the safety of other.

  2. I like driving in Germany, even at the speed limit. Speeders usually slow down or indicate soon enough to let me overtake a truck. Of course, there are idiots out there but generally my experience is positive.

    I don't like driving in France:-) But to get the worst highway experience, one has to go to Czech republic, Slovakia or Poland. Speed limits are basically ignored, everywhere, and you can be overtaken by a car driving at 130+ on a normal road with 90km/h limit. It's not uncommon.

  3. What is reasonable to you may not be reasonable to someone else. Be aware of the situation and duck in the right lane to let the faster traffic pass unhindered and then pull out and continue passing the trucks. Sitting in the left lane while passing and not letting faster cars go by is road rage. Being considerate is what makes the autobahn by large a great place to drive. In the parts of the autobahn without a speed limit 180 is a reasonable speed.

  4. h***s yes you're the only one. who does the speed limit in the autobahn???? take side streets instead and stay off that legendary gravel road. wither that or push the gas pedal a little further down!

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