
While escalating the touching on a date..."her" point of view?

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so, i was on a second date and i could tell we were both into each other. i put my hand on her knee, she put her hand on my arm. we continued the touching and started to hold hands. I put my arm around her she did the same. this sounds lame, but we we played with each others fingertips. this continued through the night. we started making out and about 3 mins into it I stopped and I said i could go on forever but we should probably go now. i go to drop her off an hour later and we made out for about the same amount of time. i stopped and said i'd like to see you again and we made a date for a few days later. that night, she cancels. I learn later she now feels we were moving too fast and was out to get to know me better as a person and not the physical stuff. So from my standpoint if she was making moves on me and I showed acceptance by matching the touching it would be like me saying, "this is what I want, I dont feel uncomfortable". So I don't understand her; Is it possible she felt during the date, "oh I feel pressured i better match what hes doing so I dont lose him"? I don't know why else she could feel this way after the fact, do you know why?




  1. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and regret it later after we have thought it out. Express exactly what you wrote here to her. Ask to meet someplace where she wont be concerned about going too fast. I always liked ice cream, takes a while to eat and you can talk.

  2. We Gals send signals like crazy.

    Either A. She is a poor communicator & expected you to be psychic

    B.  That isn't the real reason & you're being lied to.

    C.  you misinterpreted at some point

  3. Much of the time we think with another body part other than the brain, and we are ruled by passion.  The heat of the moment.  Perhaps she is embarrassed, or afraid that you'll want to go further and she's not ready for that (s*x).  Communication with her would be to both of your benefit, and perhaps to reassure her that you would never pressure her to do anything that she wants to do, and if you want to pursue a friendship with her, that might be best, and who knows where that will lead, with some time and patience on your part.

  4. A short answer: She was seeing where YOUR boundaries are.

  5. wow, that's odd. it might have been pressure. or she might be a w***e.

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