
While hunting, do you ever get bored and shoot other game if the game you are hunting isnt around?

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I have done that while squirrel hunting.

(Saw a bunch of crows by the field and had some "FUN"!!!!)




  1. when the seasons overlap I do.   If I go squirrel hunting during deer season I will normally carry a couple of slugs or buckshot with me just in case.   at the same time, there have been many times I've climbed off a deerstand after 3 or 4 hours of watching nothing move except squirrels and picked up the shotgun.   In Louisiana and Arkansas, Rabbit season is open the entire length of squirrel season, so I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a rabbit if I had the oportunity.   I also know alot of people who have shot hogs while deer hunting.

  2. I have been upland hunting and while pheasant hunting was our main purpose we also shoot chukar and quail.  Occasionally a rabbit will get shot as well, but you have to make sure that everything is in season and that you have permits and tags.


  3. I did that a lot at your age. I got over it, for the most part. On the other hand, I'm often out there for either deer or hogs, whichever I run up on, without a particular plan. I especially remember one January when I'd killed my bucks but was going to go ahead and kill another doe to keep the biologists happy. Stalking in a rare Mississippi snow, I got within thirty yards of Susie, but when I did I almost tripped over a sow. So I started thinking: more venison/pork/venison/pork. I killed hog.

  4. when i hunt on private land anything i can get a clear shot on is dead

  5. No, I don't indiscriminately kill other animals when I am hunting. It seems unethical to me just to kill for the sake of killing.

    Crows here have a season, and can't be hunted without a license.

  6. Did it a lot, when I was younger!

  7. 1st of all who squirrel hunts? (or shots crows 4 that matter) To me you sound like a kid who has a BB gun and likes to go into the woods and shot anything that move

  8. why would you "hunt" squirrels ? to eat ? that's gross, dude. for "fun" ? that's not hunting  , it's just shooting. shoot at targets,  you may get a rabbit or grouse when you are heading back to the truck just for some dinner, but just shooting crows because of boredom is stupid and unethical,

  9. No, I have never found myself doing that, but 3 or 4 people I hunt with buy black bear tags so they can shoot one if they see it while deer hunting.

  10. When I was about 14, I was deer hunting with my Winchester Model 94 .30-30. I hunted for two days and never saw a deer. When I was getting out of the stand, I saw a rabbit about 75 yards away. I aimed and shot, but I was about 2 inches low. The bullet hit the ground just in front of the bunny, and plowed into a sapling oak tree right at the root. The tree's trunk was about an inch in diameter, and the bullet blew it in half. I watched as the tree fell over like it was chopped down by a lumberjack and laughed like crazy. When my dad showed up to pick me up, he looked at the tree and said, "Mmmm, I don't know if Mom has a recipe for acorns..."

  11. Only when that game is also in season.

    Caleb you obvious know nothing about hunting so why did you even bother to answer the question. Many hunters take squirrels  and many others shoot crows because they are considered pests.

  12. I too like to shoot a variety of furry creators...but in your case I would be careful who you tell that story to because Crows are illegal to most states

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